Unlock the Skills to Lead High-Performing Sales Teams


Unlock the Skills to Lead High-Performing Sales Teams

5 Minute Read
Sales Manager Academy is Fuel’s online sales manager training, focusing on two areas with the most impact on a startup’s sales team performance.

There is a major misalignment in the startup sales world. Fuel’s Sales DNA research on 42 growth companies uncovered the following insights:

  • Sales reps are not only open to good coaching and pipeline management but think it is critical to their development and success
  • They also don’t get coaching and training on the skills that matter for driving successful sales
  • Systematic coaching, using ride-alongs, tailored sessions and the like, is not routinely deployed in startups, leaving a significant missed opportunity

Think about this. In the highly-competitive startup world, where sales is often the lifeblood – sales managers are often not trained in the two most important skills that determine whether a startup grows fast or dies slow. Getting the right training accelerates good sales managers into great sales leaders. Beyond increased sales, becoming an effective leader increases job satisfaction, helps attract/retain high-performing sales reps, and can have a strong impact on a manager’s career trajectory.

  • Time: “There is no time to spend on training and run a sales team.”
  • Options: “There are too many options; which is the right one for me?”
  • Applicability: “Will this be applicable to my team/needs?”

Fuel has designed a solution specifically to bridge this divide. We created Sales Manager Academy, training for startup sales managers in coaching and pipeline management. For a limited time, startup sales managers can now take advantage of frameworks and methods used by the many of the top sales organizations in the world.

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Let us know what you’re interested in and we’ll be in touch.

Get In Touch

You access Sales Manager Academy at your own pace, online, and across devices. Totaling 4-5 hours for each track, the digital lessons are supported by practical offline exercises, as well as by exclusive webinars with McKinsey and Fuel experts to address any of your questions. The insights, frameworks, and templates can be implemented immediately, to achieve in-quarter results.

Erase any doubt about your ability to lead high-performing startup sales teams. Get training in the skills that have outsized impact on the success of sales teams. Tackle Q4 with confidence and accelerate your career in 2019 and beyond.

About the Authors

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